Anyone up for a little "straw poll" ?

A recurrent theme that I see played out in this & related forums is the "well, does it 
run on MAC or Linux on the Desktop" question. Often, when asked, the people that 
raised the issue don't have either platform in their installation - it is merely a 
standard question that they feel compelled to ask ?!?

Maybe it is just me - I don't live in the "big smoke" - but (to date) I simply haven't 
seen any significant demand for workstation support (GUI or CUI) outside of windows.

SO, I think to myself, I wonder what the REAL numbers are - I mean theory is one 
thing, but how do the numbers stack up in the real world? How many people are there 
that actually do use, or WANT to use (I'm talking management want here, not the "gee, 
if I had my way" kind of thing) non-windows platforms on the desktop ?.

I'm happy to kick it off. Of the (application) systems that we have installed over the 
years, discounting green screens, we have deployed to probably around 1,500 
"workstation" devices --> all Windows (even back as far as 3.11)

I've had the "Mac" option raised twice - I remember each one clearly ! Once at a 
printers (who are 'big' MAC users traditionally) for 3 devices, and once at a 
distribution company where the owner had a MAC at home he wanted to use remotely .... 
that's it - potential market 4 out of around 1,500.

Any other takers ? I need to point out that I'm not LOOKING for exceptions, merely the 
"state of the desktop", so if you only have Wintel desktops, please step up & be 
counted - and if there is a vast ocean of "hidden" MAC and Linux desktops out there, 
please identify yourself ........

Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage – an Evolution in Software Development

>>1) Be able to use any Windows, new Mac (unix) or Linux client

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