Clif Oliver wrote:
>Stop teasing us, Tony. <grin> What's the source where we can get MSDN
>subscriptions for $1,300?

OK OK ... arm is twisting in agony, "people love me when they can save a
buck but rarely when they can spend a buck, what up wit dat?"...

Get it here:
The current price is $1495.  It went up from 1300 to 1400 right after I got
it last year and another 100 this this year, still not a bad deal
considering the full retail value.  (List 2800, sale prices +-2400)

Almost all reviews of VioSoftware are positive.  (4.5 out of 5 avg rating in
forums) The only bad reviews I've found are from people who throw away their
original packaging or destroy their key codes (duh) and then they're upset
that they can't get new ones.

Tell them to implement a commission program and then send me a credit on my
next purchase!  :)

- Note that I also got a 300 cash rebate for getting DVDs instead of CDs, I
believe this is still available until June 2004.
- Plus I got other benefits that further drive the net price for me down to
about $700.
- With this sub we are authorized to install a single copy of MS Office for
production use (in addition to as many development/test installs as we
need).  Since I didn't have to go out and buy that copy I saved yet another
$350+ in my software budget.  That brings my real expenditure for this
package down to about $350?
- Finally, while we aren't supposed to use the development licenses for
"production use", my development system IS my production system which I
destroy on a regular basis as I install and test code.  That means I don't
need to purchase an additional OS license for this box, which brings my
final net cost down to about nil.

I dunno folks, do the math, this isn't as bad as people think.  Benefits
vary between USA and other countries.  Research your options.

And did I mention MS support is excellent?  When was the last time anyone
here really put in a call to Microsoft rather than posting to a forum?  I
honestly expected bad service ("we've never seen that one, maybe
re-installing everything will fix it") and the need to get confrontational
(must be the italian in me) - their pleasant attitude and efficiency are

Anyway, you can find this software on other sites, for example:
However, caveat emptor, there are a lot of "evil doers" out there who will
sell improper licenses (Academic/Student, OEM, OLP, etc).  "Too good to be
true" is a mantra to keep in mind.  VioSoftware is reputable and the
licenses are good.

Tony "not an MS Borg" Gravagno
(nod to Chuck for using his sig thingie)

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