On 11/7/05, Nicholas Burman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't think the idea of the Ubuntu-Art list is to collect people's
> favourite desktops and share them, as entertaining as that is.

While I agree that every wallpaper doesn't need to be mentioned on the
list, we (the art team) DO need wallpapers for the calendar images. My
suggestion is to keep them either on art.ubuntu.com or on your own
personal page (or blog, or flickr, etc, etc). Then when the time
comes, we know exactly who to talk to and where to look for wallpapers
for Dapper.

Since I've been out of the loop, I'm not sure if we have editing
capabilities yet for the artists on art.ubuntu.com, but that would be
a good thing. You can also have a link to your own website in your
profile there, making it easier to find things and give people proper

Worst case scenario - if we can't edit the entries on art.ubuntu.com
and you can't find a place to host your images, I'd be happy to put
them on my own server. Because of my back problems it would probably
just mean dumping them in a directory for you to link to, but it would
be better than nothing.

> Thanks for sharing your ideas - Nice job on the drawings.  I'm sure these
> designs look great on your desktop.

Ditto. Nice illustrations! Since we have more time than we did for
Breezy, we can afford to do some experimenting with themes and such. I
personally can't get the image of Scrooge McDuck out of my head, but
I'm not in my right mind anyway. :-) Keep up the good work.

P.S. I'm not dead. :-) My spinal fusion went remarkably well, and I'm
moving around more now than I was able to for my previous (far less
invasive) discectomies. Life can't be easy though... I developed a
bacterial infection in my stomach about a week before surgery and the
meds to combat that are as rough on me as the surgery was. Doh! I'm
praying I'll be in good enough shape to enjoy our Thanksgiving dinner
coming up. :-) Thanks to everyone that was thinking about me during my
hospital stay.


Ubuntu SVG Artwork - http://www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu
Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K. Chesterton
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