On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 09:16 -0700, Chuck Huber wrote:
On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 15:26 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> Who wrote:
> > Henrik, would Daniel's workload be able to accomodate 2 extra themes,
> > or even 3 if LegacyHuman is taken as not being an extra theme, but
> > necessary for continuuity, provided they were ready to package
> > tonight?
> I did actually send him the list of top five and asked him to see what 
> he could do. It really is up to the packaging team to make decisions now 
> though.
> Billy, It's all well to say 'There needs to be 5!', but the list of 5 
> hasn't been clearly communicated in a timely manner.
> Michiel seems to be making the suggestion that the Art team makes a firm 
> recommendation that we use the top 5 themes from the existing vote (as 
> imperfect as that vote was). Is that a motion that the whole art team 
> can now unite behind? (it seems sensible to me)
> - Henrik

Over and over again we were told the art team would have the opportunity
to put 5 themes into the release so I don't think you will find much
objection from this community if you pick the top 5 contenders with
Human Legacy on the side making for 6 total.  If for some reason 6
themes are not possible, the top 5 would be acceptable.


Yes, I am all for 5, obviously.

I'm sure I'm too late. I had to go to work.
I also agree with the notion of 6, because HumanLegacy should be a given. However, when Mark was asked, he said propose it as one of the five, so unfortunately, I think you'd have to get his approval for '6 counting Human Legacy'. I have repeatedly pushed for light, performance themes for those that need them, so the inclusion of IndustrialInspirate (though I haven't even used it because I hate the industrial engine) would be great since Human, SIlicon, and Dapper-Drake are all ubuntulooks, which is only a lttle faster than the pixbuf engine because it is cairo!

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