On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Álvaro Medina Ballester
> 2008/4/30 Hylke Bons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > I like the sub-teams idea. But I think it's  a little unfair to let for
> > example 5 teams work on a full theme, while only one gets chosen.
> > Someone has to give clear direction, and not be afraid to approve or
> > discard ideas in an early stage. I think that's why it's been relatively
> > quiet on this list lately. So many have good and bad ideas have passed,
> > but because the lack of confirmation (and therefor motivation) will
> > drive people away. That's ok if something is a bad idea, but we have to
> > keep the good ideas around. As we say in The Netherlands: someone has to
> > "cut the knot". :)
> >
> > Hylke
> >
> Completely agree.
> --
> Álvaro.

Subteams would not measure success by whether they became default, but
by whether they made good work that was included in Universe.

There is no "Only one gets chosen" - all 5 teams start out with the
clear understanding they are makking work to be included in the
repositories, NOT as default.

Seriously - Epiphany devs don't give up because Firefox is default,
Claws-mail still rocks and gets used when Evolution comes on the disk,
and in the current environment, if you want to make big changes to the
way Ubuntu looks, you better not expect to do it through the default
channels. Once this team has proved itself as more than a
conversation, maybe that will change.

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