(copied out of the digest post i replied to and appended to this thread)

..on or around Sat, May 03, 2008 at 06:40:56PM +0200, François Degrave said:
> Hi everyone!
> I created a new page on the wiki with a mockup representing what I'd like
> Ubuntu to look like in the (near) future:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/NewWave

this is pretty good. i like the relative lack of colour variance in the
wireless and volume applets. that they share the same colour as the time
groups them all together in the "information" part of the panel. the
subtle panel shading is good and works well when seen across several
colours (the grey and then the power button, then the logo).

i think the nectarine-red in the alert icon is a bit weak, off somehow.
i don't like the choice of folder icon theme but it's a welcome change
from the caramel bonbons we have currently ;) 

the black icons in the last screenshot are an interesting direction.

it's refreshing to see the titlebar removed when the window is inactive.
this would greatly simplify the visual field when many windows are in
open and avoids the need to change the colour of the title-bar when

i would perhaps choose a thicker border on the windows however, as the
definition between windows may not be sufficient when many are stacked
ontop of each other - especially on systems without the true
transparency that compiz brings..


julian oliver
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