..on or around Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 06:03:37PM -0400 Vadim Peretokin wrote: 
> I don't understand where is this brown so prominent that it's bad... it's
> mostly orange that I see.
> (and the wallpaper on 8.04 rocks)

i doubt a brown theme will ever be as /ubiquitously/ tolerated (let
alone popular) as a blue or steely grey theme. around half my students
(many of which are (interaction) design students) change the theme from
human claiming that they can't stand it. some of these people say brown
is "old", others "depressing" while some say it's "dirty". a few in the
class seem to either not care while the remaining simply love it, mostly
on the basis that "it's different".

thankfully Ubuntu is taking something of a risk here, the last thing the
world needs is another blue theme. i don't like the brown at all myself,
finding it a bit heavy and artificial somehow. IMO a grass-green theme
would be a good compromise, fresh and energetic.

all said i notice that in Spain (where I live and work currently) and
here in Sao Paulo Brazil (where i'm exhibiting some work currently) the
Human theme seems relatively untouched on the (many) Ubuntu desktops
i've encountered. there is something to be said for cultural
differentiation where colour theory is concerned..


julian oliver
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