On Tue, 2009-04-28 at 02:11 +0100, Alex Armstrong wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 01:10:52 +0300
> From: Alex Armstrong <alehand...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [ubuntu-art] Work Theme
> To: ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <1240870252.11146.6.ca...@ubox>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> There is a certain cancerous thinking that goes into designing a
> default
> theme for an OS/distro. I've been working on various possible defaults
> for Ubuntu for almost a year now, and many of them were very pleasant
> to
> work with; but I've come to realise that while the palette (brown,
> yellow, orange) is important in terms of branding, it is largely
> irrelevant in terms of actual usage.
> I am not speaking of the sort of user who, like myself, relishes to
> customize his virtual desktop environment. I have in mind the folks
> who
> use computers in a professional environment. 
> Most places I've worked at (Caveat emptor: none of them were
> IT-centric)
> relied on PCs with Windows XP. The default XP theme is decidedly gaudy
> and, in my limited experience, the tendency was to switch to the stark
> Windows 2000 look. It's not an impressive theme, by any means, but it
> is
> unobtrusive and it gets the job done and, more importantly, allows the
> user to ignore it.
> Assuming a similar market for Ubuntu--and I am sure a professional
> market exists, even if limited--I think there may be a need for a
> theme
> to counterpoint the default. Something grey, dull, perhaps with a
> pinch
> of blue or possibly not; something that gets out of your way.
> I understand that this list was created to assist in the brand image
> of
> Ubuntu. I was just wondering if there may also be a need for a "work"
> theme; something that simply does not draw attention to itself.
> Alex
> P.S. From the tone of this e-mail, you may be able to tell that I've
> been working on themes along such lines. I was wondering if they would
> be an acceptable contribution to the list and to the wiki.
Yes! Submit your ideas to the wiki
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic) and let's discuss on
the list.


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