On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 2:47 PM, mac_v <drkv...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> hi,
> actually i use a *different modified version* of these icons for
> notify-osd... i'v added them to this mail... my preference would be to
> use these color icons for notify-osd too ... thats just me...
>  but since the notify-osd uses greyscale, i'v done a quick edit and
> added the the greyscale version of my notify-osd icons of just a 3
> greyscale icons... the rest need a bit more work...
> this way the continuity can be maintained, but i would prefer using the
> color ones ;)
> just test them out with $ notify-send
> also, do test the nm-signal icons, i'v done it in 128x128 since i
> thought i could use it for the notify-osd too , i'v added the 24x24 png
> in the previous mail for quick reference. i feel that they do scale well
> with the 128x128 too. i think u will have a better idea of the look once
> u test it...

I saw now the 24px and they look pretty good.

When I mentioned the NotifyOSD icons I was referring to the shape of the
icons and not the style. If we go with this icon, we should also make the
notifications icons or use this one for the bubbles.
If we gonna stick with the Human NotifyOSD set, we should make this icons
taking notice of those.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

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