On Sunday 31 May 2009 19:52:50 Cory K. wrote:
> Along with the aesthetic aspect of this, someone needs to see where the
> panel and OSD icons cross each other. If at all.
> If it's not done before I get to it, I'll go after it this week.

For Ubuntu and the theme it sets as default, the notification icons should be 
differently styled versions of the same metaphors used in the panel. Other 
themes are free to do as they please but in order to integrate well with the 
overall Ubuntu desktop a theme should think twice about doing anything 
radically different. Naturally Ubuntu is always trying to improve so if 
something comes along which is different but better than what we currently use 
we would certainly entertain the idea.

The notification icons shown in notify-osd on a default ubuntu install were 
designed by Canonical to integrate with the style of the notify-osd bubble on 
which it is displayed and have a very distinct design. Because the icons in 
notify-osd are designed specifically for the bubbles the only parts which 
should be re-used elsewhere is the form. IE we are not suggesting that anyone 
make a entire theme of icons based on the notify-osd design :) The panel 
placement and size require a different design than large semi-transparent icons 
on semi-transparent background with gaussian blurred shadows ;)

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