I am not sure how long are you using Ubuntu! I am a die hard fan of
Ubuntu. I am using it since it's birth. I know every detail history
about it. There were never this much update for any other version. The
release are meant to be stable. That is why there are many cycles
during the development; namely, alpha, beta, pre-release, release
candidate etc. etc. The moment, a software is released, it is
considered to be stable. No software should be labeled release if it
has beta software all over. I cannot finish the list of beta software
included in the Ubuntu. PulseAudio, PolicyKit, Firefox, Bulletproof X,
i.e., Xorg, AmaroK, QtOctave, Rkward, Vinagre, etc. And PolicyKit is a
gnome thing for sure, but it is the part of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is not a
standalone software. It is a compilation of the existing software
which assures you to have a solid integrated experience all over.

My point is if something is not finished do not include it. I don't
like Fedora only for this reason. They put every experimental thing in
the release to test it by the user. If I want to test the cutting-edge
software I can use Debian Sid. I am not using Ubuntu for testing

Since it is an LTS release. It is a production release. A production
computer should not be updated frequently, if not never. The Xorg
problem is everywhere. Almost everyday people are complaining about
the resolution. You are really lucky not to have this problem. Every
single piece of hardware in my machine is Linux supported. I never buy
anything that is windows only. That is why I never had any high-end
AGP or Sound card.

Hardy must not be labeled LTS, that's for sure.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Tarin Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using Hardy on 2 of my PCS fulltime, one is my Work pc with everything
> build in another is my home PC an AMD64 machine with NVIDIA card and builtin
> audio.
> As for my Hardy experience: *I'm loving it ^_^ !*
> I've not face any of the problems you've mentioned. maybe I'm just lucky
> with both the systems? :p
> I've not seen any problems with PolicyKit but again PolicyKit is something
> that belongs to GNOME development, It have nothing to do with Ubuntu's
> development.
> I think its very normal to have many updates after release. If you do not
> like updates then stop updating, you can do that very easily but it is
> certainly a very bad thing to do ... :p
> There will be frequent updates for few months I think, As this a LTS they
> want to cover the holes as quickly as possible. So there were these much bug
> fixes.
> I welcome updates its fixes serious problems (or sometime creates :p)
> Let 1/2 months pass by, after they have patched all initial release bugs you
> won't be receiving updating this frequently.
> If you see anything missing/buggy just send a bug report.
> Which beta softwares are you talking about? Only beta software I see is
> Firefox 3, which is being rock solid for me everywhere and I love it
> T. Mahmood
> Arena Mobile, Bangladesh
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Wessex Institute of Technology
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