> There is nothing like 'completed' software in any world, be that OSS
> or CSS. KDE devs had made a really great mistake to release not even
> half done software. I was very eagerly waiting for this release and
> wanted to have it in Hardy. But as you mentioned it is not stable yet,
> so it was not included. This is the point I want to make. If it is not
> stable enough do not include it.

Thats the  way KDE development works ... They didn't made any mistakes, they
releases KDE in that way. V4 is always a unstable release and 4.1 is the
actual release.

I check every bit of update before I commit. Only two updates I can
> support of all these updates. The openssl and the linux kernel update.
> All the others are inexcusable for a released 'production' OS. They
> should've not included Bulletproof X in a production machine which is
> the heart of the GUI. For crappy hardware with binary only driver, it
> is ok if ubuntu or any other distro cannot work out of the box. But
> for supported hardware it must work. The audio backend cannot be
> half-done in a 'production' OS.
> Probably you don't understand what Bulletproof X is, Though I didn't liked
it but Bulletproof X works. No it do not fix your Graphics card problem and
it have nothing to do with your general everyday usage. it kicks in when you
have Graphics card problem and X fails to load with default configuration.
The Idea behind Bulletproof X is to fall-back to a safe GUI mode when X
server's configuration is messed up and X fails to load, I've fully tested
it and it works just fine. I was able to login to my desktop even though my
X configuration was a mess. A new user might find it very useful. And for
advanced user he can always switch to other terminals to bypass it. So Its a
very good idea.

I've used pulse audio in Gutsy and Hardy, I've first used pulse audio in
Fedora 7 or 8 I can't remember they I installed it Gustsy to use there. I've
not noticed any single problem with it, few application had problems (flash
player), but thats not Pulse Audio's fault. I'm very happy Ubuntu have moved
to using Pulse Audio. Its the future of Sound Architecture in Linux. They
only make a mistake by not providing all the utilities in the default

You see, giving users a secured and stable OS is the target for a
> release. LTS means they will provide update/patches for a longer
> period than the other release. Every release is same. But since LTS is
> supported longer, people use it in production machine.

Yes, I am very  well aware of what LTS is about. but I think its also about
keeping the OS stable and secured for a long times as its a release with
Corporate users in mind. Do you know how fast things changs?

> Not a single software is developed by ubuntu devs. Everything comes
> from outside. When Gnome is bundled with PolicyKit by ubuntu, its
> ubuntu's responsibility to make it work. If it does not work well,
> they should not include it.

How come its Ubuntu's responsibility to make it work when they are not even
developing it? if its not working then developers won't include it in their
stable branch. Yes its their (Ubuntu devs) responsibility to check and not
including too unusable applications, and they did it alright. There is no
application in my system that are too unstable, except KDE4. but again that
was my choice to install it

I'm yet to see any problems with policykit, may you can give some insights?

Again, you missed the point. A binary blob is not supported in any
> OSS. It can be done to run the hardware but not supported.

Whats your point here?

A vanilla installation of a  OS is never fully secured/stable. Take a look
at any OS's for example, they are never fully free of errors, So there will
be always updates you like it or not. No this updates are not for being on
the edge. But to fix problems and bugs, you might not need the change but
someone else might need it.

again If you don't want updates, don't do it...
if its my production machine, I want to keep everything updated,

T. Mahmood
Arena Mobile, Bangladesh
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