There is a kernel update today. It updates to 2.6.24-19 version. It
has broken my VirtualBox. Cause they didn't provide the virtualbox
module. Also I cannot build it as the linux source for this version
has not been pushed to the repository. As I mentioned before kernel
patches are very much welcome but not X or gnome patches so
frequently. There are stable versions for these two. I am very much
surprised that you did not have any problem with PulseAudio. AmaroK
doesn't know about this PulseAudio. You need to configure it by

I cannot make PolicyKit to remember my choice, if I want to auto
authenticate some preferences. It is not integrated with Keyring
manager. Also, take a look at the Network Settings window. You cannot
do anything there without unlocking. Then why the hell this Unlock
button is needed there. It should be authenticated at the moment it
launches like previously it did or Synaptic still does. If I could
click on something without authenticating in this window, it would
make sense.

About KDE, we were not talking about Hardy's default version. We were
talking about the release of the KDE4. Gnome has a clear versioning
system where you know which version is for developer and which one is
for the user to use. KDE4 released it to the user not only for the
developer. It really makes bad image of the OSS. Not-even-half-done
software release makes users angry and they do not look back to it.
They start to think, like you did, OSS has no stable version to work
with. Everything is unstable, ugly and unusable. That is so not true,
you know. People who want to test bleeding-edge software know how to
get it and where to get it. KDE need not make a release to test their
software. Take compiz for example. It was not included in any distro
before it became stable.

Ok, I mixed up the auto-configuration of the X with Bulletproof X. But
again if X cannot do it automatically it should let me do it manually.
The previous stable versions let the user to do it. Ubuntu devs should
stick to the previous stable release for the moment.

M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
Wessex Institute of Technology
Southampton, UK

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