i could give a talk about linux in wireless mesh networks.
openwrt + guifi.net + qmp.cat for large networks
openwrt + villagetelco.org (SECN v2.0) for small networks and telefonie in rural developing world.


op 04/15/2014 11:06 PM, Mike Morraye schreef:
Hash: SHA512

Hi Frank,

That's awesome!
I'd love it if you would/could give a presentation/talk about your
We've got the space and a beamer.

- - Mimor

On 15/04/14 22:48, Frank Neirynck wrote:
Hello Mike,

I am a user, definitely not a techie, but I use Ubuntu since 2004
as the only desktop environment in our home and my work network (my
work as a journalist in local news agency), after having my first
Ubuntu installed by Jan Claeys (who solved the issues with my
initial screw-up version). If you want I can talk about that
experience either in English, Dutch or Spanish. I also taught a few
years in Peru, where the national university where I worked used
Linux out of financial necessity...

Let me know if this is something you think your audience is willing
to listen to... If so, I'll book my train ride to Ghent...

Kind regards,

Frank Neirynck

-----Oorspronkelijke bericht----- Van: Mike Morraye
<m...@morraye.be> Reply-to: Ubuntu Belgium
<ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com> Aan: Ubuntu Belgium
<ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com> Onderwerp: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Release
Party 14.04 Ghent Datum: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 18:42:39 +0200

Hi all!

So-far, I had no-one willing to give a talk or demo and only one
person (Merlijn) that offered to lend a hand. This is both sad and
disappointing. This led the goals of the 'release party' to
changed. It'll just be an opportunity for people to meet other
ubuntero's and have a chat. People whom are willing to help
each-other out with installing or troubleshooting Ubuntu can do

There is the space, internet and food/drinks available. I had hoped
to have a more active and educative release-party... I guess this
just reflects the current state of the Ubuntu-be community.

- Mimor

On 04/03/14 15:38, Mike Morraye wrote:
Hi all,

As next month there will be a new release of another LTS version
of Ubuntu, I'm looking into organizing a Release Party.

Date: April 19th (the Saturday after the release)

What has been done: I've already got the location available. The
hackerspace in Ghent (http://0x20.be) is my venue of choice.

What needs to be done: My next step is decide what kind of
activities there should be. Therefore I come to request your

What is it you'd expect from a release party? Would you rather
have a simple and only-socialize event, or would you expect
demo's from vendors and/or talks by other users?

If you are willing to give a talk/presentation, whether you are
a user or a techie... And you are willing to come over to the
wonderful city of Ghent, contact me!

I'm also looking for vendors, working with Ubuntu, that are
willing to give a demo of their product. So if you are one of
these vendors, or you know a vendor, get in touch with me.

I'm looking forward to all the reactions!

- Mike

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