Le 01/10/2013 20:23, Dylan McCall a écrit :
Do we know what is going to happen with Ubuntu-specific system utilities with 14.10 and Unity 8? In particular, I'm curious about Software Centre / Updater, Ubuntu One, Startup Disk Creator, Jockey and Ubuntu Online Accounts. Incidentally, those are quite central to Ubuntu. Arguably more so than the Unity shell, itself.

Thanks for your reply. My gut feeling is that:
- what we current have is working well enough that it should be fine as our next LTS
- the new stack Ubuntu SDK/touch is not going to be ready for a LTS yet
- the LTS after this one is going to be in long enough that this new stack is going to be ready

In summary I think that the GNOME conflicts are going to go away after that LTS, as we move away from the GNOME stack to base our applications on our own toolkit. It should make GNOME more independent from Unity and allows both to move without conflicts.

In the list of softwares you listed:
- software-center/updater are apt based, Ubuntu Touch is leaning toward a new approach with system images and click packages, those are likely to be more important in the futur
- Ubuntu One is using Qt on the desktop for some time already
- startup disk creator has a different frontend, including a KDE one, likely it's going to be easy to have a Qt version if needed
- Ubuntu online account is qt based and works on the touch image already

Sebastien Bacher

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

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