Le 01/10/2013 20:17, Brian Curtis a écrit :

I'm not going to claim to know what workload is entailed with going to 3.10 next cycle, but what drew me into Ubuntu in the first place was that it wasn't afraid to have the latest and greatest software available to all desktop users. I hope that we don't lose that great aspect of Ubuntu just because the work entailed from touch tasks is taking over your time.

Hey Brian,

Well, we decided to shift the focus to stability, and stay a cycle behind GNOME, before the touch work started. That decision was not based on the fact that we were too busy, but rather on the believe that users value stability over new versions.

Speaking about the Touch work, we don't see that as diverting efforts, but rather focussing efforts on what the futur of computing/Ubuntu is going to be like... sure it means the "old "stack is going to change less, but we are still bring fixes and improvements to it, while working on that transtions

Sebastien Bacher
ubuntu-desktop mailing list

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