On 03/04/12 10:26, Vernon Cole wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Rodney Dawes <rodney.da...@ubuntu.com
> <mailto:rodney.da...@ubuntu.com>> wrote:
>     Ditën e Mon, 02/04/2012 më 13.57 -0600, Vernon Cole ka shkruar:
>     > So there it is.  All we want is all the new stuff -- along with
>     > everything we had before.  Is that too much to ask?
>     There is nothing preventing you from installing and using the classic
>     gnome interface.
> I tried that once, and got only old generic gnome stuff. all of the neat
> Ubuntu stuff was missing.  As I said, I am greedy and want both.

More and more applets are being ported to GTK+3 and will be available in
the classic mode of gnome 3. For example with the 12.04 release you can
install the indicator-applet package again, which gives you back all the
nice indicators that ubuntu used to have in gnome 2 in older versions.
Together with the gnome-tweak-tool there is really not much difference
to how gnome 2 used to be.

>     This list isn't about Unity design or implementation details discussion.
>     If you want to discuss those problems, file bugs or bring it up on the
>     appropriate Unity list (probably unity-design).
> Dear Rodney:
> Perhaps you have actually pinpointed the problem. If Unity developers
> don't realize that they are also Ubuntu developers, then no wonder
> things don't work quite like they ought. Maybe somebody in this group
> needs to make sure that somebody from that group is assigned to follow
> this one.
>   At your suggestion, I went looking around for some "appropriate"
> list.  I found a blog which seems to be used by the designers to talk
> with each other, but no list as such, or much of a way for an outsider
> to present ideas -- especially critical ideas.    Do you have a URL to
> refer me to, or were you just trying to get rid of a lurker?  I am
> _trying_ to contribute to my favorite distro, and I have learned over
> the years that a timely question from a concerned onlooker can sometimes
> eliminate real problems.  When you are driving down the road and notice
> that people keep pointing at your car, you probably should stop and find
> out what they are pointing at -- it's probably the gas cap you forgot to
> replace. 
> A quick glance at the Unity blogs makes me fear that they are so busy
> envisioning the wonderful trees they are planning to grow, that they
> have forgotten to tend the forest today.  I have been guilty of the same
> thing -- so busy making a new program design elegant. that I forgot that
> I also had to make it _work_.
> Please forward this to the "appropriate" persons.  I'm afraid that
> pointing and shouting warnings is really the most I can contribute.
> Learning how to navigate your bureaucracy and whom to lobby is a bit
> beyond me.
> --
> Vernon

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