
In what kind of context are you looking for this information? Do you have an example tool or screenshot you can provide? It's relatively straight forward to find out what is currently listening to ports, there are two utilities that have been around a while, netstat and ss. You're better off using the latter as netstat is reaching obsolescent, but you may occasionally find yourself stumbling across boxes without ss.

To get a list of both active connections and listening services, try "ss -plan". You'll get lines like the following back (IP addresses changed for security reasons):

LISTEN 0 50 *:3306 *:* users:(("mysqld",1384,13))

ESTAB 0 0 users:(("thunderbird",4152,52))

The first line, LISTEN, tells you the machine I ran the command on is listening for connections on port 3306, which happens to be the port MySQL server uses. The final column gives you the name of the program that is related to that connection, which in this case confirms it's mysqld. The second line ESTAB tells you there is an established connection from the machine (local address on the machine) to a remote server on, port 143 (IMAP). The final column tells you it's thunderbird running on the machine. By the way, if you're looking to quickly translate ports to services, check /etc/services. It's not an exhaustive list but most of the standard ones are in there:

grep 3306 /etc/services
mysql        3306/tcp
mysql        3306/udp

Hope this helps in some way,

On 10/15/2012 07:25 AM, Brian labishi wrote:

Hi. I'm new to Ubuntu and like it very much. Overall I like Ubuntu better than what I used to use, Windows. But one thing that I really miss from Windows is the ability to know what applications and services are connecting to the internet. In Windows I could log this kind of information. But I've asked some very knowledgeable computer people for help with Ubuntu and I'm told this can't be done on ubuntu.

I was hoping that Ubuntu developers might address this shortcoming at the summit? I was told this is where these kind of things are discussed.

I'd like to be able to log what applications & services are connecting to the internet when I use Ubuntu. This is the feature I would like to have in ubuntu. Much Thanks.

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