
I wonder whether there was any original discussion about changing the 
hosting at all. And where were all these suggestions gone when we were 
indeed looking for them months ago? As far as I know, we have no idea of 
switching our hosting in any near future. I don't mind your discussions 
on what would be a better hosting solution, but am afraid that's not 
going to change things immediately.

Regarding pumping in funds for the current hosting, if at all you want 
to contribute, you can poke any of us in #ubuntu-in to know how you can 
transfer us the money. If you don't IRC, then please drop us a private 
mail and we will let you know after discussing.

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
<gpg>  2FF01026
<blog> http://blog.technofreak.in

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