<quote who="Jan Vancura">

> Corey remarked on IRC that that would suggest finished marketing material.
> That, however, will be an integral part of SU - at spreadubuntu.com or
> spread.ubuntu.com (I guess we should link the two with a forward).

Yes, may as well have both, but make one of them a site-wide redirect to the
other (I'd recommend spreadubuntu.com -> spread.ubuntu.com).

> And to the broad public:
> Are we all happy with marketing.ubuntu.com? Corey, with the above
> explanation?
> Are we all happy with an apache directory list on that URL? Or do we
> want a simple index page rather than that?

Why have yet-another-subdomain? What's the use case, and why is it needed?
If it's about storing resources, think about a few other methods:

 1) Use the wiki! If we keep rationalising massive shifts out of the wiki
 because it's big/scary/complicated/world-write, then we won't be able to
 set norms and standards for using the wiki, and we'll eventually kill off
 its value.

 2) Use Spread Ubuntu for distribution *and* development - involve your
 downstream users in content creation by making an easy step within the
 context of Spread Ubuntu.

 3) You're already considering using version control for development and
 storage of content - point to that when you need to, and avoid all of the
 subdomain damage.

It's already pretty scary that we have www/help/docs/wiki subdomains, none
of which are doing the other any favours when it comes to interlinking or
raising our Google juice. Let's try not to let this happen again.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2007: Sydney, Australia           http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
    "I can't imagine anyone telling Emma Bunton to shut up. It would be
                        rather like slapping Bambi."

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