On Wed, 05 Jul 2006 09:35:04 +0200, "Jan Vancura"
> > I have to agree with Jeff as well as the others that have posted
> concerning
> > bzr, as I believe that is pretty much the future of the launchpad.
> > It will be easy to manage and maintain. That is my 2 cents, and if
> > you only used 1 of them, can I please get the other back ;)  Cheers
> > everyone!!!
> It doesn't fullfil the needs we have, please read the rest of
> the thread.
> Jenda

There has been some confusion about exactly what it is we are after in
terms of hosting. This has come from us actually looking for a few
different things at the same time.

1. Somewhere to put works in progress: This would store text for SU,
   articles for the magazine etc before they go live. Version control
   would be good to simplify collaboration.

2. A webserver to host SU: because Spread Ubuntu is still in the design
   stages we don't know much details about what we're going to need
   here, we're really just looking for what the options are.

3. Somewhere to put pictures and other files to let others in the team
   see ideas. Sorry, I don't have a very good explanation of this one,
   but an example is somewhere for people to upload proposals for the
   SU artwork.

My thinking: launchpad/bzr ought to work for 1. 3 can be accomodated in
the wiki (and/or lp/bzr (can you link to files there so they can be
downloaded from a browser?)). 2 isn't needed as soon as the others.

If there is anything needed that I've missed please post what's needed
and we'll try and come up with somewhere.
Robert McWilliam     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.ormiret.com

Curiosity was framed; ignorance killed the cat.

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