On 05/07/06, Robert McWilliam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
1. Somewhere to put works in progress: This would store text for SU,
   articles for the magazine etc before they go live. Version control
   would be good to simplify collaboration.

I really think we should go with Launchpad and Bzr, mainly because it
integrates us with the way the whole Ubuntu project is moving forward.
Jenda has concerns, though, that we won't be able to provide HTTP
links to files in the repository. I *think* the Bzr guys are looking
to address that.

In the mean time, let's use the wiki for that sort of thing. We
shouldn't dismiss Bzr for missing a feature, the benefits of which we
can get in other ways (e.g. the wiki).

2. A webserver to host SU: because Spread Ubuntu is still in the design
   stages we don't know much details about what we're going to need
   here, we're really just looking for what the options are.

We've been offered space on the Doc Team server. I don't see that
there is any debate here. The closer we are to the Doc Team, the
better, because we can learn a hell of a lot from them and I think
it's really important to use official Canonical resources where

The Doc Team server is provided and hosted by Canonical. Look at where
using the third-party UbuntuPeople.com forums got the Marketing Team.
On a whim, a no longer active member was able to pull months of work
off the internet, with no warning and no accountability. If we use the
Doc Team server for our web-based activitiy, we have an extremely
reliable presence and we bring ourselves closer to Canonical and the
rest of the Ubuntu community.

We should not be marching out and doing our own thing here just
because we're not patient enough to fully consider what we need.

Matthew Revell

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