On Wednesday 05 July 2006 04:04, Matthew Revell wrote:
> Unless I've missed something, that would require FTP access etc,
> wouldn't it? That's an unncessary barrier to involvement. Wikis are
> proven to work for this sort of thing. They're not perfect, but
> there's one in place - let's use it.
> --
> Matthew Revell
> www.understated.co.uk
Forgot all about that Matthew. He is right, in order to even host anything on 
*.ubuntu.com you have to be a Canonical employee. Riddell already looked into 
that for members of the Kubuntu team who actually are members of the CC and 
what not. It was looked at as an option 1 or 2 meetins ago for Kubuntu.
Rich Johnson (nixternal)
"The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do 
something stupid."

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