Low memory footprint.  Some systems are being developed with 256M total
(~250M kernel memory after Video takes its chunk).
Low cpu utilization (extends battery life).  Use powertop to test
applications with the acpi_cpufreq and cpufreq_ondemand drivers loaded
(these should be loaded by default - fixme) to see how often your app
requires the cpu to change state.

These are just a couple of ideas of the top of my head.


On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 12:39 -0400, Kyle Nitzsche wrote:

> Hi,
> We've been talking in Lexington about whether it would be helpful to  
> develop a list of criteria for assessing the status of an application  
> that has been added to Ubuntu Mobile Core.
> The app might not be considered fully "mobilized" if items on the  
> list are not done.
> Mobilization criteria might include:
> --Hildonization
> --UI works at 800x480
> --UI works for finger touch (no small buttons)
> --Set up for translation
> --Consistent with theme framework
> --More?
> Thoughts?
> Kyle

Tobin Davis  

Understanding is always the understanding of a smaller problem
in relation to a bigger problem.
                -- P.D. Ouspensky
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