I agree with everything that Steve said below. A few more things:


1)     Network connectivity: Applications should be network connection
aware, allowing the user to be connection agnostic. I.e.
internet/network based apps should function as well as possible
regardless of whether or not there is a connection to their backend
data, performing automatic synchronization when network connection is
available. This may mean some amount of caching and prefetch to
anticipate non-connected states. For example, an e-mail app allows
someone to work perfectly well offline-composing, reading and managing
mail-and then automatically synching once a connection to the server is
available. Users should NEVER have to press some button that says "Sync
Now", "Go Offline" or "Go Online." 

2)     Storage space awareness: Because many of the devices we are
targeting are going to have limited storage space, all applications that
store data on the device should be aware of this limitation and be
prepared to handle the inevitable. I recognize that this criteria
juxtaposes #1, which requires networked apps to prefetch and cache, and
assumes limitless local persistent storage. 

3)     System CPU and Memory resources: Many of our target devices will
also have limited CPU and Memory resources, and much of the software
that is currently installed by default (e.g. the System Monitor) are
currently VERY resource intensive. Applications that know they need lots
of CPU and/or memory (e.g. video playback) should sniff out the current
playing field and warn the user if CPU/memory usage is already so high
that performance may be hampered. Ideally, we wouldn't have this
hardware restraint, or OS would do this for apps, but I don't think
we're to that point yet.

4)     Power: Mobilized applications should recognize that battery life
is a major goal for these platforms, and that they have a responsibility
to play nicely. At a minimum, calls that prevent the system from
sleeping, or the screen from blanking should be used judiciously.
Applications should also handle the backup and sleep/exit events
generated by OSSO/D-bus to prevent their own data loss. Those
applications that are beginning a process that may need some time to
complete (e.g. file download) should calculate whether there is enough
power to complete the operation. All applications should handle the
battery-low event to allow the user to take appropriate action (e.g.
notify your chat buddy that you might disappear).

5)     Screen: While it is true that all dialogs must fit on 800x480
resolution, they should also not be so small that they cannot be read on
devices with native 1024x600 resolutions. 



More criteria:


* Applications load + save data automatically - user doesn't have to
remember to save data


* Filesystem is hidden from the user. Users should never need to know a
filename, they should only interact with data + metadata (thumbnails for
the image viewer, song/artist name for music, from/to/ subject headers
in email, etc).

   - This means no traditional open/save dialogs

   - "Attach file" dialogs need to present a friendly list of objects to
attach (thumbnails or metadata)

   - If the user has to be presented a list of files, the list must only
include relevant files. Things like /usr and .xyz files must always be


* # of configuration options is minimized. Applications should come
preconfigured with intelligent defaults. Options should only be included
if they're easily understood by the computer-phobic or if they're likely
to be useful to a large minority of users.


* # Featureset should be minimized. Applications like Claws have dozens
of menu items, most of which aren't useful to our target market.


* # of dialogs is minimized


* All screens and dialogs must fit onscreen (800x480)


* All screens and dialogs must render properly (no overlapping widgets,
no text spilling out of buttons, no text offscreen, no popup menus that
aren't wide enough to read the content of the menu, etc).


* Dialogs must be positioned centered and fully onscreen. The user
should never have to move a dialog to see its contents


* Applications with multiple screens (such as a tabbed browser) must
present an easy + obvious way to navigate between screens.


* Applications run as a singleton (can't have multiple copies of the app


* Instant feedback - Any interaction with the UI results in visual/
audio feedback within 200ms, which is the upper limit of what's
necessary for the appearance of 'instant'. For a tactile device like a
MID, it's important that widgets act like physical objects. Delayed
reactions remind the user that they're on a computer.


* Applications shouldn't require a mouse cursor for functionality.  

This means hovering + tooltips are out.


* Applications shouldn't require right-clicking for any significant
functionality - right-clicking is awkward if the user is holding the
device in one hand and using their other hand to navigate (I'd like to
see right-click abolished entirely).


* Error messages should suggest a course of action to the user.








Clayne Robison

Application Engineer

Intel Corporation

Salt Lake, UT



"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all
peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that
if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends."
Maya Angelou

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