Tony Espy wrote:
> Rhoads, Rob wrote:
>>>> SDIO
>>>> ====
>>>> No changes to the SDIO patches since last status report. We're in
>>>> the process of integrating Marvell's GPL release of the 8688 WLAN
>>>> + BT drivers. We're doing the initial port of their drivers from
>>>> 2.6.18 kernel and cardbus to 2.6.22 and Pierre's SDIO stack, but
>>>> we will not support this port. We're expecting Ubuntu to help out
>>>> here. 
>>> I haven't heard of requiring to put any effort into this yet. We
>>> would of course required access to the HW in order to support and
>>> help with this port. 
>> I was told by Intel management that the Canonical Lexington team, as
>> part of their support for your customer, would be support this
>> driver on the customers HW. If that's wrong now would be the time to
>> correct this misunderstanding. The problem with this driver is that
>> the vendor providing it is unwilling to support it, at this time, on
>> 2.6.22 or beyond nor are they willing to support it on SDIO.
> right now, airdio, a partner of marvell, is working on porting the
> sd8686 v9 driver to 2.6.22.  once
> that work is done and acceptable to us, we'll need to get this
> version into the gutsy ppa. 
> i started the porting work by diff'ing the current version of
> the driver
> in gutsy to the v9 driver source that
> i downloaded from marvell.  my intial changes were sufficient to build
> the driver, however i didn't do
> any actual testing.   i passed my initial diffs, my notes, and my
> patches to airdio. 
> now that the new sdio changes are available from moblin.  we ( the
> lexington team ) need to make sure
> there are no regressions before asking amit to push both the new sdio
> stack, and the modified sd8686
> driver into the gutsy ppa.  at the same time, we also need to send the
> updated version of the sd8686 driver
> to airdio, so they can make the same changes to the v9 driver.

The driver I've been talking about was the new 8688 driver, not the 8686
one. After we have the 8688 driver integrated in, we'll
update the 8686 driver to the latest code we've received from Marvell,
which I believe it v9. 

> one question i have is whether or not intel is responsible
> for providing
> patches for 2.6.24 ( ie. hardy ), and if
> so, what's the schedule for this work?

We will provide the initial port of the SDIO WLAN & BT (8688 only)
drivers from 2.6.22 to 2.6.24, but don't have the resources or expertise
to really support them. Which is why we need the OSVs to help out here.
We're still working on the schedule for porting/moving all of our kernel patches from 2.6.22 to 2.6.24, when we have the
schedule we'll be sure to publish it to the team.


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