On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Imre Gergely <gi...@narancs.net> wrote:
> Just my two cents... I would agree on the confusion part of the extra
> dovecot-postfix.conf config file... It's an attempt to make the servers
> more user friendly, which I'm not sure is needed... if somebody wants to
> install/configure/administer a mailserver, that's not really an average
> user task, the person should know a little bit what he's doing, it
> shouldn't be "too easy" and integrated and out-of-the-box...
> It should be clear that you have to mess with config files to set things
> up and Ubuntu shouldn't make things easier, at least not on servers.
> Desktop is another story. IMHO.


not trying to start a flame war here but I really disagree.

Of course, setting up a mailserver requires some understanding but why
should it require everyone to mess up with a bunch of crypting config
files? Understanding the big picture and having an idea of how things
fit together is important, the detail of the syntax of the config
files isn't (IMHO). I care a lot about educating users and admins but
I also believe that not being too elitist helps.

Many mail servers serve small groups who just want a simple
configuration with a few users. What is needed is receiving and
sending emails, doing some filtering and serving these mails to the
users. For such use cases, I would rather trust a well-thought default
configuration than random fiddling with config files after hours of
reading outdated tutorials. I have been maintaining a mailserver for
an association over a few years and learned a lot in the course but I
really wish it had been less painful: documentation was often
incomplete or outdated, it seems it is getting better though.

Being able to tune things is nice and a requirement for less common
use cases, but why should it be a mess for the simple systems?
Maybe I'm being naive here and there is no such thing as a simple mail
server configuration, but the huge penetration of exchange says at
least that there is a market for it... I would be much more
confortable in a world where more workgroup are able to switch to open
solutions, and this requires making them integrated and easy to set

Fixing shortcomings in the current implementation seems important but
please don't stop providing good default configuration and helpers for
the common needs.

Sorry for the rant, and I want to emphasise that I for one appreciate
a lot the effort to make this less difficult for non-full-time

Best regards.

Aurélien Naldi

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