On Tue, 27 May 2014, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:

At this point, to make things really simple, I propose that we create
install options for other DEs, but without specific *-default-settings
for those.

Just a thought I had when I reread this. Assuming our settings package is installed last, or that we have a good post install script (more likely), could we look to see which DE(s) are installed and add settings which work with that DE? It would have to be optional... and may be more trouble than it is worth to maintain.

The method I thought of was to have a subdirectory of /etx/xdg/ for each DE and have the session.desktop files in /usr/share/ubuntustudio/sessions. Then to enable any one session would just mean creating a link to the right file from /usr/share/xsessions/.

It is really too bad the DE packages don't use links by default so that the default session could be removed.

Anyway, this would allow the user who had some DE installed and added our metas, to add our look and feel as well just by adding -settings.

The downside of this is that any changes the user had made to their DE settings that were stored in ~/.config would override the new settings anyway.

It may be better to offer a package with the artwork and let the user select it on their own for back drops etc.

Len Ovens

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