Hi Erich,

Apologize for the late progress.

Right now is a long holiday season in Indonesia. And I just got hospitalized last week, made the progress delayed.

Previously, I've setup staging site at http://ubuntustudio.playmain.com
But the theme is still work in progress. 
What have been done:
-Build Base theme based on https://underscores.me (popular WP skeleton theme) and integrate with some part of Bootstrap 4
-Mobile offcanvas menu. Its already working but not polished yet
-Homepage: Slicing (Figma to HTML)
-Homepage: Setup editable content area as WP customizer
-Homepage: Experimenting with hero banner illustration+animation (using SVG), but currently turned off due to some issue i have to fix

I'm expecting next week my designer and I can continue developing it, I will come back to you next week. 

I hope that's okay with you.

In case you have expected completion date, please just let us know.



On Jun 11, 2019 8:40 AM, Erich Eickmeyer <eeickme...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
Hi Shinta,

On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 11:18 PM, Shinta Carolinasari <shinta@playmain.com> wrote:
Hi all, I am in the middle of website development right now. I would say, the home page is almost finished and the next stage will be improving the layout. Once it ready to be shown, I will give you an update. Meanwhile, I am sorry for the late response for some of you who gave me feedback.
I might suggest some tweaks to make content not be halfway visible when page is loaded, and maybe verification of the order of things on first page
About the banner design, as per your feedback, I will adjust the content is not halfway visible when the page is loaded. About the order on the homepage, you have mentioned before, would you give me more details? Please let me know if you have other feedback..
I have used wordpress child themes so that changes to the theme code are isolate in a small file and updates work properly without having to update updates to the base theme.
We will build a fresh base theme, based on underscores (https://underscores.me). And try to make editable region easier & quick to edit through standard Wordpress (eg: customizer and widget). As you've mentioned, a child theme is fine for future major modifications, but since we have restriction to access theme files, I don't think it can be done often.
Or use something like the free versions of Elementor and Astra and not deal with themes at all.
Elementor is awesome site builder. However as discussed before, since we have limited utilization of plugin, it's better to do it in a conservative way (standard Wordpress). Luckily Gutenberg will be helpful here, to have block editing experience even though not as powerful as Elementor.
if you need photos of a mixing console, small, not original British, keyboards from small Bluetooth to a real synth, ...
Thanks :), I really appreciate it. Wondering if you have photo similar to https://unsplash.com/photos/_mugHa5Fc3M ? So we can replace it. Thanks again & please let me know if you have further feedback. Regards, Shinta On 4/17/2019 1:24 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Hi, if you need photos of a mixing console, small, not original British, keyboards from small Bluetooth to a real synth, guitars from classic to electric, assimilated by the hex pickup Borg, airbrush from a more or less unknown brand to DeVilbiss cult, pencils, 35mm film, an analog reflex camera, Letraset/Mecanorma screen tones and letters, speakers, 19" gear, analog stomp boxes etc. pp., I've got a new tablet PC that makes way better digital photos, than my old tablet PC could make. On request I could take one or the other photo and take care that no brand name is visible. I've got a lot of this equipment at hand, so without leaving home or even without searching in boxes stored in a cellar room, I could take one or the other photo, without much time investment and provide it under what wanted license ever. I don't want to take a photo spread, I'm just willing to take one or the other photo on demand. Regards, Ralf

I wanted to see what the status is on this theme. I have, with the help of Canonical IS, found the location from which the current theme is being mirrored:

I'm not sure if it's important, but the Wordpress instances hosted by Canonical are Juju charms: 

Right now, I think getting a working staging area would be a good idea. Once that's done, we would need a location from which to download the theme, which would then get uploaded to the link above.

Let me know if there's anything you need from me.
Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader
Ubuntu Studio


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