Hi Robyn,

You should also watch out for projects which are better translated elsewhere. For example, if you work on Firefox or LibreOffice on Launchpad, nothing will ever happen because there is little coordination with such projects which are technically not "Ubuntu" projects.

It may be slightly out of date but there's a list here which is broadly speaking still correct: http://www.akerbeltz.org/index.php?title=Launchpad

The installer strings I would park until much later, generally, you only see the installer strings once during install, so for most end-users they are of little impact but there's a LOT to translate there.

When in doubt, best ask.


Sgrìobh Robyn Willison na leanas 12/06/2016 aig 09:11:
Hi Translators

I am part of a community organisation that want to donate some computers to schools in Vanuatu. These computers are installed with Ubuntu and we'd like to have the local language on them. If I can get people in Vanuatu to help with translation can someone guide me through the process. The local language is Bislama.



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