If I remember rightly, it's written in the Latin alphabet with no diacritics. So font issues are unlikely to crop up.


Sgrìobh Gunnar Hjalmarsson na leanas 12/06/2016 aig 14:54:
Possibly an effort to make Ubuntu relevant to Vanuatu users would better
start with making sure that a font (for proper rendering of web
contents) is available, and to figure out a keyboard layout for typing
the language.

*Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
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*Tha Gàidhlig aig a' choimpiutair agad, siuthad, feuch e!*
Iomadh rud eadar prògraman oifis, brabhsairean, predictive texting,
geamannan is mòran a bharrachd. Tadhail oirnn aig www.iGàidhlig.net <http://www.iGaidhlig.net/>
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