
What is a TV Licence needed for?

To use any TV equipment such as a TV set, digital box, video or DVD
recorder, computer or mobile phone to watch or record TV programmes as
they are being shown on television. 

I'm no lawyer (engineer rather), but it doesn't mention streaming,
neither does it specifically mention it as an exception.

I would think that the intent of this policy was to encompass all people
who would view the TV programme at the same time that it was broadcast
by the TV companies. (as opposed to viewing a recording of it).

Technically, streaming is a recording and rebroadcasting, but Zattoo
seems to allow you to watch TV programmes close to the same time they
are being broadcast (like a live telecast over the internet).

Compare this to the BBC iPlayer, which only allows you to watch the
programme after it has been broadcast fully on the airwaves.

Just my few pence worth..

Xuan You

On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 10:17 +0100, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> classed as even! 
> On 12/05/2008, Javad Ayaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>         i thought those laws didnt apply if the broadcast was cast as
>         "streaming"?
>         On 12/05/2008, Alan Pope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>                 On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 10:04 +0100, Javad Ayaz wrote:
>                 > im only trying to help! lol
>                 >
>                 > this will be beneficial to my brother who is at uni
>                 and has no tv!!!
>                 >
>                 >
>                 I am not a lawyer, but from my interpretation of the
>                 TV license laws,
>                 he'd need a TV license to use Zattoo at Uni - in the
>                 same way he'd need
>                 one if he had a telly.
>                 Cheers,
>                 Al.
>                 --


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