2009/2/19 Rowan <rowan.berke...@googlemail.com>:
> hello again. I have consulted the manuals online, and it seems all
> routes lead me back to the Network Connections panel, in which the only
> connection I can see, when the Ethernet cable to the BT HomeHub is
> plugged in, is 'Point to Point', and nothing happens when I click it.
> When I tried to connect via a USB port, I saw a button for 'Wired
> Connection' too, but nothing happened when I clicked that either. There
> is also an 'unlock' button, but clicking that makes no difference.

The 'unlock' button will prompt you for a password and allow you to
make changes.

Is anything listed under the 'Wired' option?

> 'Enable Networking' is ticked. This is certainly a vital check to make.
> I tried typing 'sudo ipconfig' in the terminal and got this:
> Link encap: Local Loopback
> inet addr: Mask
> inet6 addr:: 1/128 Scope: Host
> (and then some MTU, Metric, RX packets, TX packets, errors, bytes, etc.)
> In other words, no interfaces at all.

You'll need to type  'sudo ipconfig -a' to show all interfaces,
including ones not currently in use.

Also, typing 'dmesg | grep eth0' as recommended by Nick to give us the
make of your network card is a good idea too.

I've forgotten the earlier part of the conversation, but has both the
HomeHub and ethernet cable been used successfully with other computers
in the past?


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