On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Andrew Turner <acturne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Just got myself one of the new Dell Inspiron 15 laptops (unfortunately
> with Vista - they no longer do the Ubuntu pre-installed 1525). Thought
> I'd let the list know that Intrepid runs out out the box with no
> problems (wireless, bluetooth, compiz etc all work without any
> configuration).
> I seem to remember a thread a while back about getting a refund from
> Microsoft for unwanted OEM copies of Windows - can anyone enlighten
> me?
> Andrew

Andrew, not sure if you have tried yet, but I have a friend that
bought a Dell and had no trouble getting a refund [1] :-)

Good Luck

[1] http://www.ducklight.net/node/42

Michael Fletcher

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