On Tue, 2009-04-14 at 02:07 +0100, Daniel Drummond wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Sean Miller wrote:
> > Who are the Linux Foundation?
> > 
> > Can Linus T not, perhaps, ask them to change their name?  Perhaps to
> > the "Microsoft going on Linux Foundation" or similar?
> > 
> > If I had created an operating system so vast in its scope I'd be
> > seriously concerned if some people decided to take it upon themselves
> > to undermine everything I had created by ineptitude, lack of vision
> > and - most seriously - failing to comply with open standards.
> > 
> > Sean
> > 
> Uh, I think Torvalds is aware of the Linux Foundation.  From their website:
> "The Linux Foundation sponsors Linus Torvalds so he can remain
> independent while working full-time on the Linux kernel."
> I think you may be confusing Torvalds for the FSF: they would be the
> ones most likely to get upset by a video promoting Linux in a non-free
> format.
> Usually we don't need to promote Linux amongst ourselves (Linux users),
> but to those not using Linux, and free software, who also happen to be
> those least likely to be able to view an ogg video.  That is not to
> suggest that there shouldn't be an ogg version, but it does make sense
> to distribute it in a format viewable by the target audience.

Of course it makes sense to deliver the content for specific platforms
and catering towards the common. So by that theory every one of the
final three should have been converted and uploaded for viewing and/or
downloading as:

 - Flash
 - Ogg Theora
 - WMV
 - DivX
 - Quicktime

For the sake of an hour or two to do the conversions the Linux
Foundation could have covered most if not all the bases and looked good
with the videos ready to be passed around by existing Linux and other
folks to get the word and buzz of the campaign going. The mishmash and a
non-standard Ogg Theora file just makes it all look sloppy.



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