On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 11:34 +0000, Alan Pope wrote: 
> 2010/1/16 Matthew Daubney <m...@daubers.co.uk>:
> > I've put up an idea in the ideas pool[0], and started an etherpad[1].
> > Does anyone else have any experience of running these kind of things who
> > would like to lend their expertise? What do people think would work best
> > in this scenario?
> >
> Please consider getting in touch with the Ubuntu Learning team who do
> exactly this.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning
> #ubuntu-learning
> Cheers,
> Al.

Ok, last night I had a quite productive chat to the Learning team. They
are in the process of creating some course ware, and have already
created some bits and pieces. They seem to be more than happy for us to
use this, and even create more if we pass it back up to them.

If you have a look on their wiki pages (the link kindly provided by Mr
Pope up there ^) they have some pages already laid out for different
levels of student as well. 

Since so much work has gone into their stuff already, would everyone be
happy following their proforma and their lead? If people are
uncomfortable with using bzr then we can create stuff in etherpad/google
docs/what ever and then someone (don't mind if it's me) can pass it back
up into their bzr tree when it's ready.


-Matt Daubney


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