Quoting Matthew Daubney <m...@daubers.co.uk>:

> Ok, last night I had a quite productive chat to the Learning team. They
> are in the process of creating some course ware, and have already
> created some bits and pieces. They seem to be more than happy for us to
> use this, and even create more if we pass it back up to them.
> If you have a look on their wiki pages (the link kindly provided by Mr
> Pope up there ^) they have some pages already laid out for different
> levels of student as well.
> Since so much work has gone into their stuff already, would everyone be
> happy following their proforma and their lead? If people are
> uncomfortable with using bzr then we can create stuff in etherpad/google
> docs/what ever and then someone (don't mind if it's me) can pass it back
> up into their bzr tree when it's ready.
> Thoughts?

I think it's a great idea.  No point in re-inventing the wheel so to  
speak.  I presume this material will be under some sort of CC license  
or maybe even the GNU FDL?

I think it would be good for trainees to be trained from consistant  
material, plus I think it's probably easier to contribute to existing  
material than going creating your own from scratch.



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