I had a similar problem with my laptop when I upgraded to Lucid. It 
would boot past GRUB, reach the screen with the Ubuntu logo then the 
screen would go black and it would just sit there doing nothing.

What I did (after much Googling) was to hold down SHIFT as soon as I 
turned the machine on, it'll then show the GRUB boot menu. From there 
you can choose a kinda safe mode and what-not. But mine still had the 
previous kernel in the list of possible choices, so I booted with that 
previous kernel option, and it worked.

Now I'll need to install startupmanager to make that option the default 
option in GRUB.

Good luck!

On 02/05/10 08:59, John Matthews wrote:
> Hi sorry its taken me so long to get back to you, I did what you said
> sudo update-grub
> and it didnt change anything on the grub, but also, Ubuntu stopped
> loading after the grub. I dont know what happened, but it just kept
> sticking as soon as you clicked from the grub. Its still doing it, I
> have to close the pc down using the on/off button, then when you turn it
> back on again, it goes straight to loading ubuntu. That isnt good at all.
> Anybody know how I can get around this?
> John.
> On 30/04/10 12:01, Paul Sladen wrote:
>> On Fri, 30 Apr 2010, John Matthews wrote:
>>> Does anybody know ho I can update it, so that it only shows Lucid int he
>>> grub?
>> The label in Grub is cosmetic, the (partly upgraded) system will be booted
>> anyway.  You should be able to:
>>     sudo update-grub
>> to push that change.  Please could you file a bug report that Wine is
>> preventing the upgrade from finishing:
>>     https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine/+filebug
>>      -Paul

Ronnie Tucker

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