On 25 March 2011 12:47, Byte Soup <bytes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It seems if you add a new ssh key into seahorse it always generates a file
> called "id_rsa.pub" and "id_rsa", renaming old ones to .1 etc, is that
> correct?

No idea. I don't use Seahorse.

> When you generate your keys is it always done as the user you are logged in
> as? For example my user name on my machine might be "curtis" but I may want
> to create a username login on my friends machine as "support" is that
> possible and still able to generate a key?

I generate my key as me, my user ID, they are stored in .ssh in my
home directory.

If I want to logon to a remote machine which has a different user ID
then I put my public key in that users folder on the remote machine.
E.g. in /home/support/.ssh/authorized_keys - on the _remote_ machine.

I can then do:-

ssh supp...@remotehost.example.com


vncviewer -via supp...@remotehost.example.com localhost



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