On Thu, 2011-04-14 at 15:28 +0100, Dave Hanson wrote:
> I need some sort of ecommerce plugin for Wordpress which will allow 
> clients, and myself to upload large files (HDD Images, so I'm talking 
> GB's) and take payment from them for recovering their files and things - 
> Obviosly not every job would involve huge amounts of data, but some may.

I don't think you'll be able to accept such large files. Is the PHP
upload size limited by available RAM? Even if not, even a typical disk
image is 250 GB these days, and the smallest harddrives people still
regularly use are 40 GB.

As for the money, it sounds like you want something like Ubercart +
Drupal, not Wordpress.


"Offending fundamentalists isn't my goal – but if it is an inevitable
side-effect of defending human rights, so be it."
   -- Johann Hari


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