On Tue, 2011-09-27 at 08:28 +0100, Matthew Daubney wrote:
> [...]
> I'd suspect the average person on the end of the phone wouldn't be too
> scared of being talked through fixing it rather than average bloke on
> the end of th phone where you say "First go to the server and go to
> the console and do this" <- Easiest way to destroy sales ever.

Being able to connect over SSH and fix things is priceless :)

I help my mom remotely (I'm in UK, she's in Spain), and every time I
need to fix any GUI thing... it's a real nightmare. It's not only a
bandwidth/latency issue, it's slower and less efficient.

That said, I agree with you that GUI tools to deal with servers it's a
good (optional) thing for people that want to get the power but they
don't care about the associated knowledge.

I think that's old news. Back in the day, Windows NT success vs the old
Unices was the GUI; although remote admin is a real pain even today.

I know people in a corporate environment that use RHEL basically because
the GUI tools. The have the feel of Linux power, but at the same time
it's just point & click in a dialog window.




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