On 03/12/11 13:24, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> Barry Drake wrote:
>> On 03/12/11 04:15, Liam Proven wrote:
>> > I think it is easier if you have Mac experience. If all someone
>> > knows is Windows, they're lost.
>> In a recent post, Paula said exactly the opposite - and she's working 
>> with Windows folk at FossBox on a day to day basis.
> I think we (the Ubuntu community) massively overplay the standardisation
> in ability and expectations of a Windows user. I don't see why we seem
> to feel that Linux needs umpteen window managers to satisfy all its
> users (which it clearly does) but Windows users have only ever wanted
> the Windows 2000 interface and are completely stumped as soon as the
> start menu is at the top.

A (previous) Windows user I helped into Ubuntu a year ago still has
trouble with copy and paste, and certainly had trouble with a then
impossibly slow and probably (OS) damaged XP machine. However, they
took to Ubuntu 10.04.3 like a duck to water and continue to be happy.
A recently new purchased printer (they did not tell me first) did not
seem to do what they wanted, so they returned it to the high street
store, and a low price HP all in one was then chosen at slightly
increased cost. This user tried to follow in box instructions for
printer install, but then resorted to phoning HP helpline (they DID
give their phone number!) After what I think were heroic efforts,
including from HP, it did end in failure though, and this indomitable
user eventually decided to call me. I had said to call me at the
slightest question but this often does not seem to happen, people can
be reluctant to 'impose' or trouble me.
Anyway, within an hour (lives close by) I am happy to say the latest
hplip was installed and all was working. The level of effort that had
been used was suggested by the fact of me finding that HPLIP had been
downloaded seven times before I was contacted. HP support deserve a
medal for that, as does the very non techy user.

PS: why cannot the latest HPLIP *always* be part of normal updates in
alan cocks


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