On 03/12/11 13:59, Liam Proven wrote:
>  But, no, instead, they blame Ubuntu for
> a UI that they just happen not to like and say that they are leaving
> Ubuntu, that's it's turned to rubbish, etc. etc.

What people 'blame' a product for is normally managed by such as
marketing and or public relations specialists. The wall to wall retail
environment we live in is so saturated with this various output that
when it arises that happenings are out of line with our expectations,
then there is shock and awe of an adverse kind. Mark S. is a straight
from the shoulder sort of person, and I have not seen anything with
suggests Canonical has tried to advance manage the reaction to Unity,
and the retro management of adverse reactions seems pretty much based
on logic and reason. Unfortunately when people have reacted, in part,
emotionally, then cold reason can be misinterpreted as not caring or

I do not know what chance there is of this but I would love to imagine
that Canonical might find a suitable public relations or similar,
specialist, to keep in a nearby cupboard!
alan cocks


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