On 05/05/12 19:00, Gareth France wrote:

    I actually installed 10.10 (staying clear of Unity just for the
    moment until all the controversy dies down a little) onto the 4GB
    sticks using the Windows 'Universal USB installer'. Works like a
    dream! Students plug in the stick, switch on the PC... and hey
    presto! Later when we upgrade to a more recent LTS version we can
    just reformat the sticks.

It's a shame you feel pushed into ditching Ubuntu's biggest unique selling point. What Canonical have done with unity is amazing and I'm certain they're on the right path in the long run. It's just frustrating that people seem to have so much trouble ditching 20+ years of UI baggage.

Hello Bea

Really well done.

Your experience has confirmed my resolve to run a couple of workshops at the FE College where I teach. I'll probably go for freebie/3 GLH type taster courses to begin with to test the water. FE Colleges get less 'developmental' funding than adult education centres. I'll offer it as staff development in June/July to begin with to see what activities work best.

If the LibreOffice files for any of the resources below would help, just let me know and I'll pop the dropbox links here. I guess you have lots already for a 10 week course.


Unity 12.04 poster for those who use 10.04


Unity 11.10 guide aimed at Windows people


A Live CD guide.


My teenagers and 19-24 students can sort Unity in a minute or two when I lend them my little 1024/600px netbook in lessons. The adults struggle a bit to be honest. Would need an overview/explanation, but a 10 week course would be great.

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