On 05/02/16 21:27, David Goldsbrough wrote:
Using Clonezilla I have cloned my 60GB disk to a 120GB partially

It boots fine and all is well.

I was though a little surprised that I did not get the opportunity to fully
utilise the disk and it looks as if there is 60GB unallocated.

I have never been very good with Gparted but I booted up a live CD of it
and did what I thought would correct the issue but it would seem without
effect and I fear I may have mucked things up.

I need to explain that my eyesight has rapidly declined in the last year
but thankfully not to the point of registered partially sighted. My system
is highly configured Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to suit my vision – I have tried
other distros but configuring Ubuntu was always my best option but I

Gparted is showing the following:-

/dev/sda 111.79 GiB


/dev/sda1 ext2 Size 243miB Used 130.46 MiB Unused 112.54 MiB Flag boot

/dev/sda2 extended Size 111.55 GiB

/dev/sda5 lvm2 Size 55.65 GiB Flags lvm

unallocated unallocated Size 55.9 GiB

There is a yellow triangle with a black exclamation mark in it next to lvm2

What can I do now to make full use of my disk?

It looks like you had ticked the lvm option on the original installation. As you haven't mentioned that I thought I would, as it does change the way you resize partitions. Here's an overview:


The yellow warning triangle may only be an indication that you need to be using something else other than gparted to do the resizing, but I can't rule out the possibility that the filesystem marked by it may need a check before you continue. If you can boot into it you can set it to check itself after a reboot - just create empty file called /forcefsck, reboot and carry on.




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