rwarner wrote:
> >>For headless systems and ones semi-stagnant in memory 
> >>allocation/reallocation an MMU-less system has many advantages.
> >However, what they also do is run an "ssh" command every 30 seconds to
> >report home.  That's enough to start the fragmentation problems.
> This is in effect a new and delete every 30sec.  It may not be Java or 
> C++ code that requires the garbage collection. But, causing the system 
> to act in object new/delete fashion has the same effect.

Ah, see, I regard every 30 sec as "slow" and "semi-stagnant". :-)

I regard 10 million new/deletes per second as "non-stagnant" :-)

If it was every 10 hours, would that be better?  It would still fail
in the same way, degrading to the point of being unable to login, but
more slowly.

> Any way to keep the ssh session open constantly?

Actually, we do.  The 30 seconds is just _checking_ that the ssh
session is still verifiably alive.

There's an awful lot of different things to refactor in that way,
including code written by our customers, and by inexperienced people
who can't be expected to understand these nuances.  Uglifying scripts
and/or replacing them with C programs has a substantial engineering
cost too.

What is most likely is that I may turn around your suggestion about
VMs, and implement a fragmentation-resistant VM on this thing, so they
can run their scripts without causing trouble :-)

> >There real trigger is the kernel's file handling.  My system streams
> >files from a local disk.  The kernel is quite unstable in it's file
> >cache management on no-MMU systems.  Either it creates the worst case
> >for fragmentation (page_alloc.c) or it allocates so slowly and
> >interacts poorly with cache reclamation that it severely reduces
> >performance (page_alloc2.c), losing about 40% CPU just to the kernel's
> >memory management.

> 'local disk' implies to me that it is a large scale system.

Not really.  It's just a tiny box containing one SOC, glue, connectors
and a small hard disk, and 64MB RAM (32 used for coprocessing, 32 for

> disk caching is in effect a file system new/delete mechanism as
> well.

Sort of.  It is lots of new/delete, but the fragmentation pattern is
highly dependent on the caching heuristics.  The appropriate cache
heuristics don't add to fragmentation problems even if it's doing
millions of new/delete per second - you can prove this (just keep the
cache a small percentage of RAM, for the simplest example).

This is also an example of where Linux doesn't perform well with no
MMU, and is especially bad at causing fragmentation (or running very
slowly with a workaround).

There's nothing _intrinsic_ about fast, effective disk caching which
causes fragmentation.

> ?  is it a local ram disk?  If yes, do you force a sync on
> the filesystem periodically?

No, ordinary ext3 fs.  We're reading from the disk.  Just reading
causes a major problem.

when we write, it's worse, but we don't do that much.

> Also is the memory in the file system getting fragmented?  If yes, is it 
> possible to mount/unmount (possibly pseudo reformat as well) to fragment.

No, because we're continuously streaming from the disk (in some modes
it's a 24/7 video player).

If I have the time and motivation, I will eventually use O_DIRECT
and/or fadvise and/or 2.6 kernel I/O priorities and/or
application-managed caching (like a database does) and/or fix the
no-MMU allocator to be fast and well behaved, and I think it will fix
these problems completely on our system, providing very reliable

> >Unfortunately, my hardware doesn't have an MMU.  Otherwise I would
> >definitely use it - the slower context switches would be hugely
> >outweighed by the speedup in kernel memory allocation, and being able
> >to use all the RAM, and disk caching that works, would be a bonus.
> >
> >(I didn't know this when I started the project.  I thought having no
> >MMU wouldn't be much of a problem.  I guess it is still largely a
> >software problem, but a tough one that's a lot of work to solve.)
> >
> Can you replace the processor with an MMU variant?  Sound's like you 
> need on based on the system usage

Too much invested in the hardware design.  We could produce a new
design, but we still have to keep improving the firmware running on
the existing units; there's quite a lot of them.

There is an MMU variant, but it's not a trivial replacement (different
CPU architecture), and one feature of our device that customers really
like is the low price of the current one.

If I were starting again, I'd opt for the chip with MMU this time, but
right now, there's plenty to gain by improving the software.

-- Jamie
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