the '-d' option for boa is a no-op in uClinux, the fork call is #ifdef'd
out. Just using "boa &" will do the job.
This is true with the old version (0.93) The NIOS uClinux-dist by default activated boa by "boa &"

When they moved to 0.94 this resulted in an error message and I needed to change the script to do "boa -d &". During the research I found that boa is supposed to auto-daemonze without the -d switch and did try to do just "boa", but it did not work,

BTW, all "daemon" applications
in uClinux that I know of are backgrounded this way to work around the
fork limitation.
In fact I suppose it makes sense to do auto-daeminizing code in an application only to save the users some work when calling the application _not_ from a shell. With a shell you always can use the "&".

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