>    Looks like something is hogging all your RAM and causing desktop
>   applications to be swapped out. ZFS ARC cache can be the culprit but
>   seems unlikely that ARC will grow too much beyond 1GB.
>   Can you provide the following information:
>   Execute prstat when the build is halfway through, take a screenshot
>   and send it to me (not to the list :) )

Could not do this as I dont know how to take snapshots in CDE :(

>   After the build has completed, as root user execute
>   echo "::memstat" | mdb -k  and let me know the output.

I ran another ~12 hour build. Ran the build on  CDE.

The output of the command is:
bash-3.2# echo "::memstat" | mdb -k
Page Summary                Pages                MB  %Tot
------------     ----------------  ----------------  ----
Kernel                     424354              1657   82%
Anon                        27420               107    5%
Exec and libs               11635                45    2%
Page cache                  33395               130    6%
Free (cachelist)             3719                14    1%
Free (freelist)             19267                75    4%

Total                      519790              2030
Physical                   519789              2030

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