> Hi all:
> I'm excited to report that I just booted and ran Belenix 0.4.2 Linux

Is that a typo :-) ?
Belenix is OpenSolaris, not Linux ( In case it wasnt a typo ;-) )

> on my Dell Latitude D610.

If you list the hardware on your laptop, it might be useful for people 
maintaining the HCL (Hardware Compatibility List).

> Since I'm new to Belenix, I've not get got around to discovering
> whether it can support my Wireless LAN yet.
> Next, I'm going to read the documentation and install Belenix 0.4.2 on
> to a primary partition on my laptop. I'll write in with more
> information at that time.
> Please write in (especially the Belenix team) about investigations
> that you'd like me to conduct on the laptop, and I'll help out as
> possible.
> Regards,
> -- Sriram
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