
but not so long ago one netter tried to impress on us that cannibalism was part of the 600-year-old culture, i.e. until it was pointed out to him that the reported culprit actually didn't belong to this culture.
How come you didn't chastise him for making such wild statements?


From: "Lisa Toro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: ugnet_: Vukoni - Kony Eats People. Is it the culture of the region?
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 07:44:50 +0100


That shows how semakula and many Ugandans who think like him does not know
much about Uganda as AS A COUNTRY But knows UGANDA ONLY AS BUGANDA.

I remember being told during my school age that there were man eating
communities on Mt. Elgon!!!. You are dum right it scares one stiff. Even in
later years when i went to school there, i was very careful about my
friendships and i would not venture our of the school gates without familiar
company. But later i found it to be pure rubbish because other students were
escaping going into mountains and coming back having enjoyed themselves with
drinks, fruits etc courtesy of the locals who should have eaten them!!!

For people who know more about cultures, they will tell you that it was a
common way of keeping childern in check and caucious about what they do,
especially going to new and unfamilar places. There were stories of man
eaters even from Rwenzori, the "zimamotor" who would drain your blood if you
enter their car!. Just last week there was an article of a corpse eater in
Buganda or Busoga? Lets open our minds before we jump blowing goffio.

This is the second war M7 and NRA/M are said to be fighting DECEPTION!!! The
great NRA/M weapon on ignorant population mixed of the so call elites and
illiterates. But people who are facing for donkey years it are not stupid,
they have worked out the scrumble mess and knows exactly what message it is


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Vukoni - Kony Eats People. Is it the culture of the

> Mw. Ssemakula,
> To the best of my knowledge, cannibalism has not been a
> practice in the rituals and diet of the peoples of northern
> Uganda.
> However, back in the days, it was common for parents to keep
> their children in line or scare them from straying too far
> into the unknown with tales of man-eating communities hailing
> from what is today southern Sudan. I remember clearly how my
> elders used to show us a mountain named Kanyabadrilatra
> (literally, the two-headed-cannibal), across the border in
> Sudan, where the flesh-eaters allegedly dwelled.
> You bet we were scared stiff. Years later, I lived in Sudan,
> and had the opportunity to travel through the so-called
> cannibal territory, including the eponymous mountain. I
> found no saber-toothed Nearndathal there. If this practice
> existed at all, even in the margins of our societies, it was
> possibly in the far distant past.
> vukoni
> ---- Original message ----
> >Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 17:03:09 +0000
> >From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: ugnet_: Vukoni - Kony Eats People. Is it the
> culture of the region?
> >
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